You Should Be Proud If You're Being Multilingual!

Currently in the process of learning a new language but almost give up? It's time for you to get some motivation. You should know how fun it is to be able to understand, write and communicate using more than ONE language.

First of all, before you decide to take a language class or start by learning on your own, you need to do these few things. 

Know Your Purpose
Basic. Why do you want to learn that new language? What is it for? Are you getting bored with using your own language or is it just because your friends are learning the language so you think you should too? Hmm, you better make it clear for yourself. Learning a new language is about putting efforts, time and even money. Don't do it just because other people do, at some point, you might lose your interest and end up wasting everything. 

Some people just love learning. As we all know, the process of learning makes the neurones in our brain work better. We will be able to improve our memory, thinking skill and these help us to draw quality conclusion and make the best decision. So let say your purpose of learning a new language is to implement the lifelong education because you know the benefits of it, then that should probably help a lot in keeping your motivation at the level where it needs to be.

What else?

Yup, learning a new language can help you to get more information on anything you wanna know. How? By searching information of things using different language, you might get different views, opinion, or facts. Can you imagine being able to understand reading materials like books, blogs, magazine, newspapers or others in languages like French, Mandarin, Arabic, Urdu or Japanese? That could be great isn't it? Indirectly, your life would be so much easier as you are closer to knowing everything compared to people who can only search for information using their native language. "To get a better life" should be one of the great purposes of learning new language you should build in yourself.

Let's continue with the benefits of learning new language since you apparently need to know the kind of changes it will give to you or your surroundings before you could start building your purposes clearer.

Benefits of Learning New Language

We will just list them down to make it easier for you to refer to it.

  • If you love to travel, you will enjoy more interesting places because it just gets easier for you to communicate with the native people, thus, you'll face no problem to ask for direction to somewhere, or to ask for the best place to eat and stay, and you won't be easily cheated.
  • You have a lot of choices for entertainment. You can chill yourself with more movies, videos and songs.
  • You will have a higher chance of getting hired. Like it or not, employers nowadays are quite choosy, they would of course want quality and reliable staffs to work with them especially those with good communication skills.
  • If you are a student, you will see improvement in your studies. You could be one of those potential students who possess good analytical skills and ability to multi-tasking.
  • You will have more friends from around the world!

It's so clear that learning a new language is beneficial and important! There are more, but we will stop here for now. Tell us how many languages are you able to communicate with and it could be great if you can share anything about this topic in the comment section. See you in the next post!


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