Handling Stress Is Actually Easy!

Stress Happens Everyday.

People, bear in mind that nobody can escape this state of emotion, and it's normal. Which means, it's not just you! If you scroll through the social media like the Instagram for example, you would see something like, your best friend just got her new make up product from the store and can't wait to try it tomorrow, some old friends from high school posted photos of their colorful pajama party, another male friend just got engaged to the girl he always wanted, well everything just seems perfect in everyone else's life. 

The bad thing is, it happened to be that you sometimes think about not being perfect, you think it is just you (in this whole world) living with lots of problems, and not happy with your life. Maybe it's because of your skin problem, or you think you look ugly, or your boyfriend just dumped you yesterday, or you get fired and so on. Now why the heck do you have to compare your life with others? (If you do wanna compare, go ahead compare yourself with the homeless men on the street, or someone who's having chronic cancer, etc.)

It's not about "why am I facing this and not them", it's about "I'm a strong person, God is within me." We all face bad situations in life and it's the matter of copping with it. If you can't do it alone, get help from someone close to you, your family members, or a counselor. Also, here are a list of 101 ways to cope with stress (yesss, a long list but worth to practice!).

  1. Get up 15 minutes earlier.
  2. Prepare for the morning the night before.
  3. Avoid tight fitting clothes.
  4. Avoid relying on chemical aids.
  5. Set appointments ahead.
  6. Don't rely on your memory, write it down.
  7. Practice preventive maintenance.
  8. Make duplicate keys.
  9. Say "No" more often.
  10. Set priorities in your life.
  11. Avoid negative people.
  12. Use time wisely.
  13. Simplify meal times.
  14. Always make copies of important papers.
  15. Anticipate your needs.
  16. Repair anything that doesn't work properly.
  17. Ask for help with the jobs you dislike.
  18. Break large task into bite size portions.
  19. Look at problems as challenges.
  20. Look at challenges differently.
  21. Unclutter your life.
  22. Smile.
  23. Be prepared for rain.
  24. Tickle a baby.
  25. Pet a friendly dog or cat.
  26. Don't know all the answers.
  27. Look for a silver lining.
  28. Say something nice to someone.
  29. Teach a kid to fly a kite.
  30. Walk in the rain.
  31. Schedule play time into everyday.
  32. Take a bubble bath.
  33. Be aware of decisions you make.
  34. Believe in yourself.
  35. Stop saying negative things to yourself.
  36. Visualize yourself winning.
  37. Develop your sense of humor.
  38. Stop thinking tomorrow will be a better day.
  39. Have goals for yourself.
  40. Dance a jig.
  41. Say "hello" to stranger.
  42. Ask a friend for a hug.
  43. Look up at the stars.
  44. Practice breathing slowly.
  45. Learn to whistle a tune.
  46. Read a poem.
  47. Listen to a symphony.
  48. Watch a ballet.
  49. Read a story curled up in bed.
  50. Do a brand new thing.
  51. Stop a bad habit.
  52. Buy yourself a flower.
  53. Take time to smell the flowers.
  54. Find support from others.
  55. Ask someone to be your "vent-partner".
  56. Do it today.
  57. Work at being cheerful and optimistic.
  58. Put safety first.
  59. Do everything in moderation.
  60. Pay attention to your appearance.
  61. Strive for excellence NOT perfection.
  62. Stretch your limit a little each day.
  63. Look at a work of art.
  64. Hum a jingle.
  65. Maintain your weight.
  66. Plant a tree.
  67. Feed the birds.
  68. Practice grace under pressure.
  69. Stand up and stretch.
  70. Always have a plan 'B'.
  71. Learn a new doodle.
  72. Memorize a joke.
  73. Be responsible for your feelings.
  74. Learn to meet your own needs.
  75. Become a better listener.
  76. Know your limitations and let others know them too.
  77. Tell some one to have a good day in Latin.
  78. Throw a paper air plane.
  79. Exercise everyday.
  80. Learn the words to a new song.
  81. Get to work early.
  82. Clean out one closet.
  83. Play patty cake with a toddler.
  84. Go on a picnic.
  85. Take a different route to work.
  86. Leave work early (with permission).
  87. Put air freshener in your car.
  88. Watch a movie and eat popcorn.
  89. Write a note to a faraway fiend.
  90. Go to a ball game and scream.
  91. Cook a meal and eat it by candle light.
  92. Recognize the importance of unconditional love.
  93. Remember that stress is and attitude.
  94. Keep a journal.
  95. Practice a  monster smile.
  96. Remember you always have options.
  97. Have a support network of people, places and things.
  98. Quit trying to fix other people.
  99. Get enough sleep.
  100. Talk less and listen more.
  101. Freely praise other people.
PS: Relax, take each day a a time, you have the rest of your life to live.


  1. I practiced 10 of these in 3 month and yes my life gets better. Thanksss!


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