10 Reasons Why Siblings Make the Best Bestfriends!

Friends may come and go, but siblings are forever, and there’s absolutely nothing they can do about it. They're the first person we text when we get to know that there's a family event on weekends, the shoulder we cry on during hard family situations, and the best advice-givers around. They know us in-and-out. Here are 10 backing reasons to why siblings make the best bestfriends. 1. They grew up with you, so they know exactly how weird you are, all your good and bad sides and still love you. 2. Awkward family gatherings are way more fun when you can hide out with your siblings and cousins, or just sit and laugh at all of your dysfunctional family members. 3. They understand fully without having to explain the ins and outs of your dysfunctional family from which you all come, and you either have the exact same opinions on who is crazy and who is not or it’s your parents who are accusing one another of insanity in which case you avoid the issue altogether. 4. You d...