How To Know If You're A Smartphone Addict?

The smartphones had become one of the most important things we need nowadays. But together with it, comes a 'disease' called "Smartphone Addicts". It affects a huge number of human beings of various ages and places. Smartphone addicts are EVERYWHERE but it’s hard to keep track because there are so many of them. Some people believe that it's really hard to cure this disease unless the sufferers themselves change their way of living. And some doesn't even realize that they've already suffering it. Therefore, we decided to find out the early signs so that you are aware of this disease ;) So let's check the top 8 signs of smartphone addicts you should know!

The Social Guru

If you own every each of social media accounts like Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, SnapChat and etc, you must be one of the 'social guru'. The social guru is like the master of social media. These individuals have every kind of social media applications downloaded into their phones. They often update whatever they did in the platforms and will be very happy if they get a lot of "thumb's up" or likes. They are also willing to do anything in order to be famous in the social media.
So, is it dangerous to be a social guru? It is not if your aim is to inspire people of good things or you want to grow up your business or anything as long as it is a positive goal. But when it comes to unclear objectives like you wanna be famous for no reason or you just love it when people keep praising you and your life till you wanna share everything you have, every moments you go through, every minutes of what's going on in your life, then you're actually a smartphone addicts. Naturally, every person needs a privacy even if you're a public figure. Not everything can be shared online because it's a permanent reflection of you that may never be erased. Be careful.

The Noise Polluter

These anti-silent mode smartphone users receive a ton of messages at a time and their phones are constantly beeping, it’s like they love the sound of the notifications. Of course nobody like it when other people's phone keep on ringing or beeping, it's totally annoying. So if you're among these people who gets too many notifications all the time, make sure you slow down the volume or just silent it at some public places like when you hang out for coffee with your friends, or dinner with you family or in a public transport. Save the environment!

The Lone Wolf

It is pretty easy to spot these addicts as they are usually seen alone and in a corner with no disregard to the rest of the world. How to know if you're among them? First, you don't care about anything. You spent hours looking at that flat screen gadget, scrolling over other people's posts and stories. Sometimes you smile, sometimes you get jealous, sometimes you're angry, and that's how you entertain yourself. Second, whenever you start focusing on your smartphone, you forget it's lunch or dinner time, you didn't hear your mom's calling you for help in the kitchen, you forget to finish up home works or assignments and yeah you even ignore your sister's birthday party. You're addicted to it man! Please realize that and it's not good for you.

The Frantic Checker

Nicknamed the anxious one, the frantic checker is usually seen checking their phones in short intervals of time as if they are waiting for something. This is normal to you if you're a smartphone addict. All you ever think about is how many likes or comments or thumb's ups you get for a picture or video or words you just shared.

The Outburst-er

People are often startled by the outburst-er as these type of individuals are easily riled up over something they have read or seen on the phone and they are unable to contain their emotions. Hey, are you serious you really don't care if people think you're mentally ill? Just because you see something online, doesn't mean it is all true right? So control your emotion and be sure that every information you get is valid before taking them deep into your heart.

The Phone Gamer

The peaceful phone gamers dwell in their own virtual reality world created by smartphone games are also smartphone addicts. They pose no threat and are often spotted tapping on their smartphones profusely. Yes it is true that by playing games, you can release a bit of the stress but you don't have to play it like going to the next level is the only thing that matter to you. There are plenty of fun outdoors games like soccer and basketball to be played with your friends of family. And you get the chance to communicate more and be healthier.

The Selfie Photographer

Anytime is picture time! You are the ‘photographer’ of yourself and are often spotted taking countless pictures of yourself wherever you go. Camera and editing apps are your best friends and yes too much of selfies make you one of the smartphone addicts.

The Lord of Check-ins

Check-ins has always been a thing since the rise of social media. And these addicts are there to conquer the land or block your path in walkways and malls!


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